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Each person uniting with this congregation shall understand such action as involving commitment to Jesus Christ and the ministry of First Baptist Church. This commitment involves serious intention to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, to be a direct participant in the public worship, service and financial life of the church, and to do these in such a manner as to strengthen the unity of Christ's church.


First Baptist Church accepts members as follows:

1. Request for membership is made in services of public worship.

2. An individual may become part of the First Baptist Church in one of the following ways: (Please choose one that             most closely applies to you.)


By profession of faith in Jesus Christ

This indicates an open and public acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour. The church accepts the person as a                   candidate for baptism, and membership begins when the person is baptized.


By letter

 This indicates that the individual holds membership in another Baptist church and has been baptized by                         immersion. This church will then write the former church requesting transfer of membership to this church.                   Membership begins when the church affirms the person’s request for membership.


By statement

This indicates that an individual was at one time a member of a Baptist church, joined a church of another                     denomination but now wishes to be a part of this Baptist fellowship again. The statement of having been                         baptized and of church membership is all that is needed. Baptism is not required of those holding previous                   Baptist membership nor of those who have experienced believer's baptism by immersion from a church of                     another denomination. Membership begins when the church affirms the person’s request for membership.              


By baptism

The individual requests transfer of membership from a church of another denomination, and receives                            baptism by immersion if such baptism has not previously taken place. This is not a reflection on the validity of                the individual's profession of faith but an acceptance of the Baptist belief in baptism by immersion. The                          church accepts the person as a candidate for baptism, and membership begins when the person is baptized.  An affirmation by a majority of those present in the worship service constitutes approval.

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