We want to reach people and make God known in the lives of those that we touch and those around us. We do that in various ways and through various ministries throughout the year and at Christmas. If you would like to be apart of any of our missions or outreach please email Elizabeth at Elizabeth@statesvillefbc.org

Clothes Closet
We are blessed to have a wonderful Clothes Closet that is open to the public to provide clothing for all ages as well as some basic home items. This ministry happens because of our wonderful volunteers and the countless hours they put into making things run smoothly.
Open: Thursdays; 1:00-2:45 p.m.
Donations are accepted during our regular office hours.
Medical Ministry
Sometimes life happens fast and you don't have the supplies you need to meet the medical challenges that you face. Our medical ministry allows you to borrow gently used medical equipment and then bring it back to bless someone else in their hour of need when you no longer need it. It is such an encouragement to walk through life with others knowing they can quickly have the equipment they need at their fingertips.