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The Staff of First Baptist Church is composed of those ministers who are elected by the congregation, and those non-ministerial members who are employed by the Deacon Ministry Team upon the advice and with the consent of the ministers related to the particular area of service. Qualifications and responsibilities of each are detailed in the PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL of First Baptist Church. No intent to limit hiring by gender is expressed nor intended. 



The Senior Minister is the pastor and chief administrator of the church and is responsible for the Congregation through the Deacon Ministry Team. As pastor he proclaims the good news of Christ and ministers to the needs of others. As chief administrator, he is to serve as the leader of the overall work of the church, to enable the members to use their spiritual gifts, and to supervise the ministry of the church staff. He should be in agreement with traditional Southern Baptist beliefs and practices as outlined in these Church Bylaws, shall be ordained, and preferably be a graduate of a properly accredited seminary or divinity school.

  1. Procedure for selection, call, and election In the event that the office of Senior Minister of First Baptist     Church becomes vacant, the following procedures will be implemented in the calling of a new Senior       Minister.                                                                                                                                                                             a. The Deacon Ministry Team will meet and begin the process that will lead to the forming of a seven-person Senior Minister Search Committee. Opportunity will be provided for suggestions from the                 Congregation. The Deacon Ministry Team, after prayer, will select a chairperson and six other people they think representative of all ages and interests of the First Baptist Church to submit as a slate for church affirmation to form the Senior Minister Search Committee. b. This Senior Minister Search Committee will then begin the process of seeking a new Senior Minister, following the leadership of God's Holy Spirit.            c. When the Senior Minister Search Committee agrees upon the person they feel God wants as Senior             Minister of First Baptist Church, they will present that person for a vote of the congregation on a                   Sunday morning. Adequate notice and biographical material shall be made available at least one n               week prior to the church vote.

  2. Relationships                                                                                                                                                                 The Senior Minister is directly responsible through the Deacon Ministry Team to the congregation whom he seeks to serve under the call of God. He is an ex officio member of every church committee, is a moderator of the church, advisor to and partner with the Deacon Ministry Team, and supervisor of the church staff.

  3. Responsibilities                                                                                                                                                               The Senior Minister leads the congregation to worship, proclaims the Gospel in all of its implications, and leads in regular observance of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. He ministers to the congregation, and in turn leads the congregation to minister. He works with the Deacon Ministry Team in matters relating to the Church Staff.

  4. Retirement                                                                                                                                                         Retirement will be at age 67, but a request for annual extensions may be granted with the approval of the Deacon Ministry Team.

  5. Resignation                                                                                                                                                               Should the Senior Minister wish to resign, one month's notice is requested.

  6. Complaint against                                                                                                                                                             In case of a complaint against the Senior Minister, such complaint should be presented in writing to the       Deacon Ministry Team, which will thoroughly investigate the complaint. If the Deacon Ministry Team feels the complaint is valid and significant enough to warrant termination, it will present the case to the Congregation.

  7. Termination                                                                                                                                                                    See separate policy statement of procedures in the Personnel Policy Manual



In addition to the Senior Minister, First Baptist Church elects persons to staff positions such as Minister of Music, Minister of Students, and Minister of Children. These persons should be in agreement with traditional Southern Baptist beliefs and practices as outlined in these Church Bylaws, and should preferably be graduates of a properly accredited seminary or divinity school or have advanced training in their area of ministry.

  1. Vacancies of Other Elected Staff Ministers                                                                                                                  In the event of the vacancy of a church elected staff minister other than the Senior Minister (e.g., Minister of Education and Administration, Minister of Music, Minister of Children), great care will be given in securing someone who will be a good fit and function as a cooperative member of the ministerial staff then at First Baptist Church. The following procedure will be followed:                                                                 a. Names of persons recommended by the congregation for a Search Committee will be received during a two week period, and those names given to the Deacon Ministry Team. From those recommended and others suggested by the Deacon Ministry Team, the Chair of the Deacon Ministry Team and the               Senior Minister will develop a list of seven (7) nominees. This slate of nominees will be presented to the Deacon Ministry Tam and then to the church for approval.  b. From the slate approved by the church, the Senior Minister and the Chair of the Deacon Ministry Team will select the Search Committee chair.                 c. The Senior Minister will do the preliminary work of making contacts and building a file on prospective staff members. He will meet with the committee on a regular basis to keep it informed of the progress. When a likely prospect is found, the Senior Minister will discuss this person with the Search           Committee.   d. The prospective staff minister will then be invited to Statesville to meet with the Senior Minister and  Search Committee. e. If a majority of the Search Committee is in agreement with the Senior Minister, then a recommendation will be made to the Church that this person is called.

  2. Relationships to church committees                                                                                                                           Each elected staff minister works with the Deacon Ministry Team to enlist members for teams to which (s)he is the leader.

  3. Responsibilities                                                                                                                                                               Each staff minister provides leadership in ministry and administration in their area of calling. Specific responsibilities are detailed in the Personnel Policy Manual of First Baptist Church.

  4. Retirement                                                                                                                                                           Retirement will be at age 67, but a request for annual extensions may be granted with the approval of the Deacon Ministry Team.

  5.  Resignation                                                                                                                                                              Should a staff minister other than the Senior Minister wish to resign, one month's notice is requested.    

  6. Complaint against                                                                                                                                                            In case of a complaint against a staff minister, such complaint should be presented in writing to the  Deacon Ministry Team, which will thoroughly investigate the complaint. If the Deacon Ministry Team feels the complaint is valid and significant enough to warrant termination, it will present the matter to the  Congregation.

  7.  Termination                                                                                                                                                                   See separate policy statement of procedures in the Personnel Policy Manual



Non-ministerial members of the church staff are employed by the Deacon Ministry Team according to established church policy as described in the Personnel Policy Manual of First Baptist Church.



In the event of a vacancy in the Senior Minister position, the Deacon Ministry Team will be responsible for securing an interim Senior Minister and for delegating and/or reassigning ministerial responsibilities, until such time as a new Senior Minister is called by the church. The Deacon Ministry Team will establish compensation within budget guidelines.


In the event of a vacancy in any other ministerial staff position, the Senior Minister in conjunction with the Deacon Ministry Team will be responsible for securing an interim minister until such time as a new minister is called by the church. The Deacon Ministry Team will establish compensation within budget guidelines.


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